Tags — Dennispedia


All entities can have any number of tags. Tags are loosely similar to XML attributes. A tag with an equal sign in it will be treated as a key and value pair.

"Non-engine" means it is only ever handled by Lua scripts, and never by the engine.

Underlined text in description terms are placeholders/arguments and should be replaced as described in the description details.

Body tag. Makes body require a smaller inertia to trigger a break event. This is used/set/handled by the engine for the vehicle body.
Added in 0.9.0 (7801522).
This tag is not officially documented.
Body and shape tag. When the level loads, the tagged body will not be asleep. Handled by data/script/awake.lua. Non-engine.
Added in 0.7.0 (6551167).
Vehicle tag. Makes the vehicle act like a boat, including looking for and using a propeller location, and not being able to use wheels.
Added in 0.5.1 (5987914).
Shape tag. Will countdown the time untill it reaches 0, which then the shape is exploded (TODO: shape pivot? shape center?) and removed (TODO: verify, and which order?), time in seconds (TODO: verify). This is used/set/handled by the engine for bombs and pipebombs.
This tag is not officially documented.
Shape tag. Used as explosion size by bomb tag, "size" is number in range 0.5 to 4 (TODO: verify). This is used/set/handled by the engine for bombs and pipebombs.
This tag is not officially documented.
Shape tag. "time" is a number in range 0 to 10. A time of 10 or greater will cause the tag to be removed. A time of 0 will cause the tag to be ignored. A time less than 0 will be set to 0. A time between 0 and 7 (exclusive) will cause flames and smoke to shoot out from the origin of the shape in the +Z direction. The time will gradually increase at a rate of 1 per second. This is set by the engine for rocket boosters.
Added in 0.9.0 (7801522).
This tag is not officially documented.
Shape tag. Automatically break the other shape that touches the this tagged shape. This is used/set by data/script/robot.lua and used/set by the engine if a explosive entity is thrown (TODO: verify).
Added in 0.9.0 (7801522).
This tag is not officially documented.
Location tag. Defines where the 3rd person camera is. Defaults to player location.
This tag is not officially documented.
Light tag. Indicates that the light should act as a surveillance camera. When a medium distance away, two lines will be drawn indicating the field of view of the light. When at close range, an animated pattern of rings will be projected by the light. Standing in the light (when not obstructed) will cause the game.cctv.hits registry value to change to a value between 1 and 10 based on how visible you are to the camera. When the value reaches 10, the alarm will go off by setting level.alarm to true.
"unused" is an unused floating point value. Defaults to 0.
Removed in 0.5.0 (5943727).
This tag is not officially documented.
Vehicle tag. All hinge joints on vehicle are controllable with vehicle_raise/vehicle_lower, display crane controls. Hook is also controllable.
This tag is not officially documented.
Vehicle tag. All hinge joints on vehicle are controllable with vehicle_raise/vehicle_lower (TODO: verify), display crane base (TODO: better name) controls.
Added in 0.9.0 (7801522).
This tag is not officially documented.
Vehicle tag. display crane arm controls. (TODO: any joint magic?)
Added in 0.9.0 (7801522).
This tag is not officially documented.
Vehicle tag. All hinge joints on vehicle are controllable with vehicle_raise/vehicle_lower, display bed controls.
This tag is not officially documented.
Location tag. Defines where/what direction exhaust is emitted from the vehicle. "amount" is a number (TODO: what is its range?).
Location tag. Defines where the player will exit vehicle to. Defaults to left of player location.
Body and shape tag. Entity explodes when broken. "size" is number in range 0.5 to 4 (TODO: verify). If applied to an already broken shape, it instantly blows up.
Joint tag. Joint can be controlled by up/down when player in crane (TODO: verify) vehicle.
Added in 0.9.0 (7801522).
This tag is not officially documented.
Vehicle tag. All prismatic joints on vehicle are controllable with vehicle_raise/vehicle_lower, display forklift controls.
This tag is not officially documented.
Vehicle tag. All hinge joints on vehicle are controllable with vehicle_raise/vehicle_lower, display arm controls.
This tag is not officially documented.
Shape tag. Generate particle effects when shape is broken. "s" is either "l" for liquid or "g" for gas. "#" is a number in range 1 to 9 representing time in seconds until effects end. Valid colors for liquids are yellow, black, blue, green, and brown. Valid colors for gasses are yellow, blue, and green. Default color is white. This is handled by data/script/fx.lua. Non-engine.
Added in 0.9.6 (8498817).
This tag is not officially documented.
Light tag. Makes the light flicker. "#" is a number in range 1 to 9 (or 1 if not a number). This is handled by data/script/fx.lua. Non-engine.
Added in 0.9.6 (8498817).
This tag is not officially documented.
Location tag. When positioned near a shape, makes it spawn in smoke particles. "t" is the type; "p" to make the particles change size, anything else to not. "#" is a number in range 1 to 9 representing time in seconds until effects end. Valid colors are brown and "subtle" (grey). This is handled by data/script/fx.lua. Non-engine.
Added in 0.9.6 (8498817).
This tag is not officially documented.
Body and shape tag (TODO: verify). Shape body acts as vehicle hook which can be controlled by vehicle_action.
This tag is not officially documented.
Body and shape tag (TODO: verify). Takes all the tags from tagged entity and set them on its debris. It will recursively do this.
This tag is not officially documented.
Body and shape tag. Makes it so when the player is close to the tagged entity, a prompt shows up to interact with it. GetPlayerInteractShape/GetPlayerInteractBody only works on entities with this tag.
Shape tag. Make tagged shape invisible, however still impacts the shadow volume.
Added in 1.3.0 (10148769).
Joint tag. Force skylift joints to have the same rotation amount. (TODO: skylift only?)
This tag is not officially documented.
Body tag. Marks body on map. Defaults to a blue color. Handled by data/ui/map.lua. Non-engine.
Added in 0.4.5 (5748542).
This tag is not officially documented.
Light tag. Light will be turned off if the nightlight environment property is currently false.
Shape tag. Shape will continue to be rendered no matter how far away it is.
Vehicle tag. Vehicle is not drivable to the player with no "Drive" prompt.
Shape tag. Shape is entirely disreguarded by pathfinding.
Added in 0.9.0 (7801522).
This tag is not officially documented.
Shape tag. Shape does not have any snow on it when the level loads.
Added in 0.7.1 (6627985).
This tag is not officially documented.
Vehicle tag. Disable inputs to the vehicle so it does not drive, stear or gear change (TODO: verify) and leaves only the engine idle sounds.
Added in 0.9.0 (7801522).
This tag is not officially documented.
Location tag. Defines where the entry point and first person camera are for a vehicle.
Joint tag. (TODO: what does it do?)
This tag is not officially documented.
Location tag. Defines where the propeller is in a boat.
Vehicle tag. Vehicle makes beeping sound when reversing.
Added in 0.4.5 (5748542).
This tag is not officially documented.
Vehicle tag. All hinge joints on vehicle are controllable with vehicle_raise/vehicle_lower, display lift controls.
This tag is not officially documented.
Shape tag. Emit smoke from shape, This is used/set/handled by the engine for pipebombs.
This tag is not officially documented.
Vehicle tag. Display tank controls. Handled by data/script/tank.lua and data/ui/hud.lua. Non-engine.
Added in 0.9.0 (7801522).
This tag is not officially documented.
Shape tag. Similar to booster, but no smoke, the fire is blue, and it only works if the shape is part of a body that's part of a vehicle. Does nothing when vehicle is inactive, small flames if vehicle is idle, and big flames if driving forward. Set by engine for vehicle boosters.
Added in 0.9.0 (7801522).
This tag is not officially documented.
Joint tag. Force joint to be controlled by left/right when in a crane (TODO: verify) vehicle.
Added in 0.9.0 (7801522). (TODO: verify)
This tag is not officially documented.
Body, shape, and rope tag. Entity unbreakable, but still markable by spray paint or burn marks.
Location tag. Defines where engine smoke comes from.
Commonly believed to cause the vehicle to die if voxels in the area are broken, but this is false at least in 1.4.0 (patch 1) (11527952). (TODO: Was it ever true in the past?)
(TODO: Does this tag make any difference when determining which of the two resulting bodies will remain the vehicle body when the vehicle is broken into two parts?)
This tag is not officially documented.
Joint tag. (TODO: what does it do?)
Added in 0.9.0 (7801522). (TODO: verify)
This tag is not officially documented.