VecStr — Dennispedia


Returns a human readable string with the values of a vector. Approximately equivalent to string.format("(%s, %s, %s)", vec[1], vec[2], vec[3]).

Numbers will have at least 1 digit after the decimal point (e.g. 1 becomes 1.0) but no more than 5 (e.g. pi becomes 3.14159). Positive infinity is represented as inf, negative infinity as -inf, and NaN as -nan(ind).

Like most functions that take vectors, quaternions, or transforms as inputs, this function does not do input validation. Non-number fields will be treated as zero. A non-table value will be treated as a vector with all zeros.

This function is not officially documented.


  1. Vec (table): Vector to turn into a string

Return values

  1. string: Approximate string representation