
This wiki is defunct and will no longer receive updates.

I, Sarah, was a long time member of the Teardown community and have spent over a thousand hours in the game. As I spent more time playing Teardown, I became aware of more and more flaws in the game. Some of the things exposed to mods were unsafe. The game transfers data over the network to a server without asking for consent, notifying you, or giving you an option to turn it off. The EULA says that any mod created for the game is automatically licensed to Tuxedo Labs under terms that allow them to do anything they want with no expiry or opt-out. I voiced my concerns in the official Discord server. No acknowledgement. As I continued to play with the game, a resentment toward the developers formed and gradually increased in intensity. I was frustrated that the developers weren't resolving these issues.

Dennis Gustafsson sold out. Tuxedo Labs was acquired by Saber Interactive (and by extension Embracer Group). This was the beginning of the end. Analytics were added to the game, again with no consent, no notification, and no opt-out. The game seemed to be moving in a direction away from what I was hoping to see and toward money. Teardown for console was announced, then DLC and a season pass. My resentment was starting to become shared by other members of the community. For the first time in a while, a developer talked to the community about their frustration. Unfortunately, they had nothing to offer but sympathy. There was no plan for change.

Teardown 1.5.0 released on the experimental branch. The modding community responded negatively. The game's Lua codebase had been extensively Saber-ified and was much messier and very unlike previous Tuxedo Labs code. My own rage reached its peak and I left the community. I don't know how it is now. Maybe they've gotten over it by now. Maybe they're still in that bandwagon they were in when I saw them last. Maybe there are more serious constructive talks with developers about the game's issues and change might actually have a chance of happening... That last one isn't so likely. I don't know. I don't care.

I poured my heart and soul into Teardown only to discover it didn't love me back. My concerns will never be addressed. The issues will never be resolved. I have lost all hope. I cannot justify putting any more energy into Teardown or its community.

This site was an unofficial resource for all things in the Dennis Gustafsson cinematic universe that Dennis Gustafsson had worked on. It was not intended to be a replacement for official documentation (i.e. the Teardown modding documentation). The focus was primarily on things that were not already documented, such as undocumented functions, the structure of proprietary binary formats, and exhaustive lists of builds.

You could have contributed to this site by making an issue or pull request on GitHub.

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